Managing Your Custom MTG Cards

It's not hard, we promise!

Occassionally, we get requests to remove cards already associated with accounts. If you're a new member, this post will show you how easy it is to remove cards and favorites from your library. Let's get started.

After you initially log in you are taken to your profile homepage. To get to your library, click the Edit link next to your username in the header.

In your account, you should see the complete list of all the cards associated with your account. As you hover over each card, you can see how many others have favorited each card, as well as a Delete button to remove a single card. Clicking on the Delete button will prompt you to confirm removal, and after that the card will be gone forever!
If you click over to the Edit Favorites area, you can manage cards you have favorited in the same way.

Lastly, we also recommend checking out Edit Profile, where you can fill out more info for your public profile as well as select an avatar based on your preferred playstyle.

Happy Card Creating!
Aug 18, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith
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