Mystery Box World

Mystery Box World

Mystery Box World is a virtual amusement park that originates from the MTGCS Forums and jpastor's brain. While inside Mystery Box World you can post where you want to go with an appropriate request for that place.

- Example: "I'll head to the cantina lounge and chill there for a while. One mystery box please!"
- Check out the park App to avoid getting lost!

You can also Earn Loy and Zib while crafting cards and adventuring within Mystery Box World.

- Every card you post and every prize you earn counts as 1➰ (Loy). Accumulate ➰ for milestone rewards. 
Check your Loy earnings here➰Progress 
- Throughout the park, you can also earn 〽️ (Zib), credits that you can spend on prizes in the park's gift Shop.
Check your Zib earnings on the 〽️Tracker
- At random points in time, the park launches fireworks, signaling it's time to randomly pick 5 winning cards for bonus rewards.

Park's Cantina (Open 24/7)
- Chill in the lounge to do endless mystery boxes. A mystery box contains a 50/50 shot at a prize and a mystery challenge.
- Head to the balcony to chat with the park owner, @jpastor, to post a card for a ▶️YouTube Shorts Review.
- Check out the downstairs game room to join the underground Cardsmith league to bet and earn 〽️.
- Talk to the park's mascot characters in the cantina for quests, feedback on cards, and more.

- The park's app shows which attractions are open and how to do them.
- Queue for an attraction with a post in the forums, and @jpastor will give you a mystery box for it.

So come to the Forums and check out Mystery Box World, for an amazing experience you can't get anywhere else!

jpastor is one of our amazing Cardsmiths and the brains behind many of your favorite MTGCS forum events!
Nov 05, 2023 by MTG Cardsmith
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