Feast of the Month Club™

October is gone, and so are the Pumpkins! The Theme of the Month was such a smashing success that we thought we would keep it going.

Feast of the Month

November is synonymous with Thanksgiving here in the States, so for our Theme of the Month we're going to be looking for cards with the name "Feast of..." in their name. Some of our favorites just might become FEATURED!

Featured Cardsmiths

Teacup's cards are often whimsical and fun, sometimes traditional but always amazing! Even if you don't recognize her name, just know that she has been making cards on MTGCardsmith for quite some time now, and her designs are some of the best. Take a few moments to look over her cards, and prepare to be amazed!

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AustinSmith is one of our more prolific Cardsmiths, but he is more than just a guy who makes a lot of cards. Ask almost anyone around and you'll discover he often finds the time to offer up his sage advice on other Cardsmith cards, all the while working on his own cards and on multiple card sets. Check out some of his cards, you won't be disappointed!

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Nov 04, 2017 by MTG Cardsmith
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