Artwork by Matt Cavotta
In 2011, Cardsmith was just a tiny blip on the web, but it was decided we could just store all card images and thumbnails in a single folder - how big could it possibly get? Fast forward four years later, and that single directory held over 148,000 card images, wreaking havok on server memory and generally keeping us awake at night. On Apr. 9, we took care of it, moving existing cards into nice clean directories, and updating the way we save cards going forward. Let the growth continue!
Other Improvements:
- The primary Card Saving script finally got some attention, resulting in a permanent fix to a pesky bug that could occur when cards with the same name were being saved. (Looking at you 1/1 Soldier tokens.) This should be resolved now, if you see anything along those lines, please let us know!
- Cleaned up another 5GB of dead card images, reducing the doom countdown on server space by a month or two (at current pace).
- Development can sleep at night once again, which means we can get back to working on more planeswalker improvements (read on!) and account awesomeness up next!
- Ninja Update: Planeswalker ability box dimensions have been extended slightly, allowing more text to fit the frame correctly.
- Ninja Update: Planeswalker card color can now be selected separately from the mana cost, giving you more choices for overall look and flipwalkers. A great idea from Looverse on the forums!
- Ninja Update: Leaving the ability cost blank will hide the loyalty box for that ability, thanks to an idea from Chairforce. Check out an example.