Looking Forward

Art by WillemSvdMerwe on DeviantArt

Need a good activity in your home? Artful August makes it's return in just two short months. Last year it just popped up and not everyone was prepared for it, so this year we felt some advanced notice would be in order. Keep in mind we're looking for original artwork, and we will be looking for both beginner and advanced artwork as well as digital and hand-drawn artwork, so don't feel like you can't enter just because others around you have advanced technique. Just remember to keep your art within the realm of appropriateness.

We're also working on a few surprises that we hope to announce before the start of Artful August so keep your eyes peeled!

Featured Cardsmiths

Check out this month's two featured Cardsmiths... LyndonF & MemoryHead!

LyndonF has been around since 2016 and besides being a great set symbol creator, LyndonF has also been a respected source of constructive input as well as a solid Cardsmith! Check out these five cards and then go look at all the other cards in LyndonF's repertoire! 

MemoryHead, another 2016 Cardsmith, may have recently dropped off the Cardsmith scene, but his outside the box thinking and creative visions have given us all a lot of inspiration to include more thoughtfulness in our designs and look at different ways to do things. Until MemoryHead returns, enjoy these five featured cards and then check out the rest of MemoryHead's collection.

Each month we're excited to highlight a few Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!

Jun 04, 2020 by Corwinnn, & Tomigon
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