We're continuing our inertia forward, and today we want to share some exciting details about the upcoming release. Coupled with the new Custom Sets feature is going to be an updated member profile page, with an updated display and cleaner look overall. We want members to feel proud of their collective works and give you the tools to show them off correctly.

Profile Home with set display

Displaying the cards in the set, in the order specified by you!

Full listing of your sets. Quickly edit the name and description, or dive in and organize your cards.
It's important to note that the disqus comments on profiles will be moving with this change. Those comments will still exist within the disqus history, but will not be accessible through this site. If you have important details to save for future sets, descriptions or lore, please save them elsewhere before September 1st.
That wraps it up for this weeks update.
Thank you to our supporters over on Patreon! If you like what we are up to and want to support us, please consider joining our Patreon campaign to keep development going and get some special features for yourself. Cheers!
1. Profile Home
This view will immediately feature any custom sets you have created along with their cover (first) card images. You will also notice the header has been completely reworked to give you a more clear identity and space to describe your profile.
Profile Home with set display
2. Individual Set View
Here is where the profile really begins to shine. With the new layout we can display 12 cards per page, as well as relevant set details and descriptions. Disqus comments are being moved to the bottom of this page, so comments will be available on Sets views and individual Card views, instead of the neverending account comment board that was often confusing to follow.
Displaying the cards in the set, in the order specified by you!
3. Manage Sets
Finally, a more finalized preview of the custom set management page in your account. More details about this page and its functionality as we get through beta testing and a final release.
Full listing of your sets. Quickly edit the name and description, or dive in and organize your cards.
It's important to note that the disqus comments on profiles will be moving with this change. Those comments will still exist within the disqus history, but will not be accessible through this site. If you have important details to save for future sets, descriptions or lore, please save them elsewhere before September 1st.
That wraps it up for this weeks update.
Thank you to our supporters over on Patreon! If you like what we are up to and want to support us, please consider joining our Patreon campaign to keep development going and get some special features for yourself. Cheers!