MTGCardsmith has acquired WMTGCardsmith!

That's right! MTGCardsmith has just acquired Why MTGCardsmith?! The moderators of WMTGCS have agreed to give us total control of their tumblr if we agree to feature their mascot all this month, and we have!
In order to cement this monumental merger, we need you to make your best FOEGOD cards, and everyone knows that the BEST Foegod cards are the WORST!

We also know you'll need some good Foegod artwork if you're going to make Foegod cards, and while you could search it out, we've also been given full access to the Lord of WMTGCS Himself... FOEGOD!

Show the world your FOEGOD love!

  • Oath of Foegod? Yes!
  • Foegod's Command? YEs!
  • Wrath of Foegod? YES!
  • City of Foegod? A Thousand Times - YES!

Featured Cardsmiths


We don't know where he came from exactly (London, England), he just showed up one day and started making awesome cards. He's been known to come and go as he likes, often disappearing for a few months and then turning up in time to win a Circuit Challenge (It's true, he's a Circuit Challenge Champion!). Anyone who wants to know how to make good custom magic cards should add Animist to their list of Cardsmiths to watch! Just check out a few of his cards below if you don't believe us!


BellBOY_d is another one of our Cardsmiths who comes and goes on MTGCS. You may have noticed his cards popping up recently, but he isn't new to the site, in fact he's been around longer than most of you reading this! Not a frequent forum visitor, BellBOY_d has quietly been making some amazing custom card creations for his set! When you have the time, be sure to check out the rest of the cards in the set!

Each month we're excited to highlight just a couple of Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!

Mar 31, 2018 by MTG Cardsmith
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